MayinArt is a curated online platform for art. The site showcases a wide selection of established and emerging artists from multiple countries, particularly devoted to uncovering genuine and creative artists from the most interior and remote areas.
In 2020, Flame Communications was appointed by Singapore-based online art portal Mayinart to promote its brand in Indonesia. The project aims to raise the awareness of Mayinart’s online platform and its wide representation of Indonesian artworks through a PR campaign, and to organise a cross-border event that features over 30 Indonesian artists to the world.
There were many challenges as the physical art exhibition was postponed due to the Covid-pandemic. The team faced unprecedented challenges in planning, execution and communications, but didn’t give up. Due to travel restrictions, the entire planning was conducted via online. Speed to quickly mount a parallel exhibition using virtual 3D technology to broadcast to those who are unable to travel to Indonesia fort the art show. A separate press event was conducted via zoom for those who are unable to attend the event.
Named Ataraxia, the show was a real success and had a few major breakthroughs. It is the only major group show in 2020 featuring over 30 Indonesian artists, and with a hybrid virtual art exhibition held in parallel with physical art exhibition in Jogya. Some of the exhibiting artists were Nasirun, Sri Pramono, Irwanto Lentho, Januri, AT Sitompul, Irwan Sukendra, Sriyadi Srinthil and Fery Eka Chandra. The event provided support for struggling artists during the Covid period.
Media was able to attend the show via zoom live streaming and a small group in attendance. The brand was promoted widely across several media channels in Indonesia including local TV stations and dailies Jakarta Post, bisnis.com, and online arts media channels such as ArtsRepublic.